“I feel so strongly about getting the word out there
that there is a non-surgical procedure available
for women who are struggling with sexual dysfunction
and urinary incontinence”
- Dr Nicole Kanaris”
Dr Kanaris is a medical doctor with a special interest in Aesthetic Medicine.
She trained for the O-Shot® procedure in Beverly Hills in 2016.
She is the only doctors’ trainer for South Africa.
Please Beware!
The Orgasm Shot® (O-Shot®) procedure is a very specific method of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the vagina to help relieve women with urinary incontinence and sex problems. Done in the wrong way, results could be useless or worse.
The names "Orgasm Shot" and "O-Shot®" were awarded to Charles Runels, MD (the first to do the procedure) and are protected by Patent & Trademark law.
Any physician who qualified, joined, & who continues in good standing with THIS group of O-shot providers will be listed on the website- www.oshot.info
Anyone who uses either THE name (O-Shot® or orgasm shot) who is not listed on THE website is not a member of THIS group (the cellular medicine association), is not certified to do the procedure, is violating trademark/patent laws, & should not be trusted.
Charles Runels MD, Inventor of the O-Shot®, P-Shot®, & Vampire Facelift® & Vampire Breast Lift® Procedures
Dr Runel’s recent work includes research on urinary incontinence and sexual function in both men and women - resulting in his development of the O-Shot® and the Priapus Shot®. His innovative approach to sexual health made him a sought-after practitioner and lecturer.
Over the past 10 years, he trained numerous physicians worldwide in the areas of cosmetic medicine and sexual health.